I was ready to go with him and I called his dad to come, who lives in the area 10 minutes away, and drive (I'm without a car and I can't drive stick which is what my son's car is) but the VA hospital where he'd go is a nightmare to be at. He'd just been in there for over 2 weeks and he hated it. As sick as he was he wanted to try to "sleep it off". Dad came and we were both on standby. Luckily it did "pass" to a more bareable degree. Today he is almost normal. It comes in cycles.
I've been here almost 2 weeks and he's had about 3 HORRIBLE NIGHTS of LOUD moaning and groaning and "D" and heavy duty throwing up. Sleep is out of the question when he gets like that. I just sit there and rub his feet or just talk to him. He asked me to pray real hard outloud for him.
He did have an IV for the Antibiotics that he had to change every 6 hours. But it was so hard to sleep with it because it took 1/2 hour to set it up and then it took him an hour to get back to sleep if he wasn't in pain at the time. He was a wreck! He'd call me at 3 am just to have a shoulder to cry on when he was in too much pain to sleep. He'd go for days without eating because it was just too much to stand there and cook. (He has Celiac too)
Luckily I'm self employed and could come to take care of him. He flew me out and I'm here, the only woman in a house full of 4 young men. Yes, I wished they would have been of more help to him but what can I say...I've had enough football too.
At Alberto's suggestion, we're going to request he be taken off the Antibiotics depending upon how his absess is doing. Maybe, if they insist he stay on them we could go back to the IV to give his gut a possible rest.
IN THE MEANTIME, Christmas is coming. Oh yeah, that's right. Christmas. Somehow it seems like an after-thought at this point.