Matt, as I said you may not wish to have this side-effect. In my case it changed me from a person who watched situations develop, but never commented out loud or intervened in any way, to a much more proactive person willing to stand up for beliefs and make efforts towards goals. That I would say has proven to be an advantage to me, and is a distinct change in personality.
However, my concern now is that this process of disinhibition has not yet stopped, and where may it take me ? I wouldn't like to use it as a defence in court - but conceivably it could come to that. Not a thought I like. Others on this forum in the past described wild mood swings - "the roller coaster ride from hell" - which had them driving their car full speed at a wall. In one instance recorded in the media, serotonin syndrome was implicated in a youth's shooting spree at his family home. I believe class actions have resulted from allegations that safety data were hidden before licensing of some SSRIs.
But yes, it might help !
Good to hear of improvement, crohnsmom. Long may it continue.