I've posted before so if you want to hear the long story look at my previous posts.
So for the short story, I've had chrones for 8 years now but in the past year its gone haywire and crazy. 5 months ago I got an abcess formed in my abdomen and fistulas formed. After 6 months of treatment it has not gone away and I am still having flare ups with the chrones. The main reason the docs say it won't go away is my chrones is flaring up constantly and the fistulas will prob never heal unless it goes in remission.
I've done the antibiotics for 5 months and recently talked to a new GI doc for a second opinion and he believes I have done everything I can as far as non-surgical treatments and I should go with the typical chrones intestine surgury and the other surgery to get rid of the fistulas.
I'm afraid to get the surgery becuase from what I know its a temporary fix for chrones and could lead to more surgerys or complications. But I really want to get back to normal in some sort of capacity and I think this what i have to do.
So if anyone has gone through this or surgery I could go for some encouragement or advice. Thanks!