I'm not on the SCD diet, but I know what it entails. It's a lot stricter than gluten-free, just so you know. So if more severe is better, then the SCD is 'better' than gluten-free. Here are some links for you:
The 'official' SCD websiteWikipedia articleWebMD articleRecipesMore recipesThe WebMD article takes a sceptical view of the diet, but the other links are neutral or in favour of the SCD.
Before you jump into the SCD, I'd just like to mention one other possibility: an elemental diet. This is where you take your 'food' in pre-digested form, either in the form of drinks or TPN. By pre-digested, I mean that all the major nutrients have been broken down into their simplest form, eg proteins into amino acids. The nutrients get absorbed in the upper part of your small bowel and bypass the rest of your intestines entirely. This gives your bowels a 'rest' from digesting food. The diet itself normally lasts from 4-8 weeks and has a success rate akin to steroids in getting the disease into remission. When you reintroduce solid foods you do so very slowly, one food at a time every 2-3 days.
At any rate, I'm in a similar boat to you when it comes to being out of luck with the meds, so I've agreed with my consultant to give the elemental diet a try. I figure if the elemental diet doesn't work, then the SCD diet won't either. That said, I'm considering reintroducing SCD-only foods to begin with - but that's a few months away.