My cousin was diagonosed with crohns this last Jan after suffering from pain in the illium. He has no other syptoms like D or blood or fistulas, just the pain, which is under control now becaus he is on steriods. He wants me to ask here if anyone knows of, or can maybe recommend a GI doctor in upstate NY within 100mi of Syracuse that is some what
open to working with patients who want to try to manage thier crohns in a more conservative approach like using the SCD diet and with a minimum use of drugs.
His current GI won't even talk about the SCD diet or anything else that has to do with nutrition. Matter of fact, he even told my cousin that he thinks the SCD diet is an outright scam, and he said that nutrition has absolutely nothing to do with managing crohns. He says that the only solution to managing crohns is biologic drugs and he wants my cousin to go on humira immediately. Currently my cousin is on pentassa and steriods , but his GI thinks that even pentassa is an absolute waste of time and useless. The only reason my cosuin is on pentassa is because he absolutely refused the humira, but he is in a constant fight with the GI and wants to find a more conservative mined GI. Any help would be appreciated in how to find a conservative GI.