Thanks, nice to meet you too.
Coilitus, crohns, sinusitis, throat swelling. I really think it's all about the same thing only the symptoms are manifesting in a different part of the body.
My own guess on the cause is tissue damage due to chemicals that either directly attack the tissue or cause the immune systyem to go into attack mode and thus attack the tissue.
So that's toxins in the food, air, ect or allergies that bring on auto-immune response. In either case there's something or things that are killing you and you have to isolate your food and environment, one by one to figure out exactly what is the culprit.
In my case that got to eatting fruits, organic egg whites and green salads with oilive oil/vinigar, preferably organic and spending lots of time in an untouched unpolluted forest. I'm not the paragon of willpower and I cheat but I always pay the price. things I rarely eat...sugar, herbs, corn oil, beans, chocholate. Things I never eat...wheat, tropical fruits, dairy, hot spices, malic acid (sour candy), all of which leave me eyeing the 911 button on the phone lol.