Hi everyone. I have been diagnosed with Crohns Disease for over 20 years and with the exception of the first few years and one bowel resection (also almost 20 years ago) I've been doing fairly well. Having Crohns I of course have read most everything I could find and on top of that I am an RN...but I'm a bit stumped.
about a month ago I began having urinary tract infections symptoms. I promptly went to my doctor who did the quick dipstick test in the office that confirmed a uti and was prescribed and completed a week long course of Cipro. I have had many uti's throughout my life but I have never run a fever with them. I did however have a temperature over 101. Nearing the end of the Cipro I was still having mild symptoms uti. This time I did a urine specimen through the lab which showed that I had a uti and that the causative bacteria was e-coli (normal bacteria in the intestines) so I was prescribed a week long course of Macrodantin. Still running fevers from 99.4 to over 102 and feeling really icky (that a big fancy medical term, LOL). Finished the second round of antibiotics but still running the fevers my doctor checked some lab work and chest xray which all turned out fine as did a urine specimen at the time. Less than 2 days later I started having uti symptoms again. Again another urine specimen submitted and now positive for a uti, e-coli again and another week of Macrodantin which the culture showed is the appropriate antibiotic. ...and the cycle begins again... Of course my next step is to the Gastroenterologist because of the possibility of a fistula. My question for anyone who can help me...I am not passing any air or stool when I urinate. I haven't been able to find any good data about whether this always happens with a fistula from intestines to the bladder. Has anyone ever had this type of fistula without passing air or stool from the bladder? The fevers have never stopped and I rarely run fevers no matter how sick I've been. Anything you can share with me would be appreciated. Thanks.