I have been on the Humira for about 6 weeks...mixed feelings for me. Certainly it has helped some...I have gained some weight which is good, actually great since I have lost weight almost every week for over a year (over 100 lbs in 2 years).
I am supposed to do shots every two weeks. I did the first four (the loading dose) in the stomach ...took about 4 minutes and it was over. the second time was two and I did them in the stomach again....each time my wife gave me the shots using the Pen. the third series was in my thighs....I did that myself. Tomorrow night I will do two more....I have decided that the best thing is take the two tomorrow night in the upper part of my stomach...then in two weeks I will do the lower abdomen...then two weeks after that back to the thighs....this way it will be six weeks before I revisit each area...hopefully that will keep my injection sites from reacting.