I'm sorry you've been struggling so, with so many issues.
I am glad to see both your docs were willing to let you try LDN.
I've been on LDN successfully for 1 1/2 years now, and am in full remission.
I applaud your willingness to try it.
There are some things you should be aware of:
1) filler is key. Many are problematic. The only one i would recommend is: sucrose filler which is hypoallergenic filler.
2) some people do better with oral LDN, and others who have absorption issues (as many IBDers do, me included) do very well with transdermal LDN.
3) if one form doesn't work, do not give up, do try the other one
4) those on gluten and dairy free diets seem to get faster and better results - probably within a few days to several weeks, whereas those NOT on restricted diets may have to wait several months to get good results
5) make sure you get it compounded from a pharmacy that has done thousands of scripts. IMO, Skip's in Boca Raton, FL is the best.
They have 20,000 patients all over the world to whom they ship LDN, and are very familiar with all the nuances of LDN with various diseases.
Which type LDN were you given: oral if so which filler? transdermal?
How and when are you taking it?
I hope and pray it helps you.
Let me know how I can help you.