Hi all,
I've read some posts here and everyone seems to be very supportive and knowledgeable.
I'm a mid-20's female who, up until the end of last year was quite healthy.
Starting last November I had a gradual onset of fatigue and GI symptoms (D, constant nausea, vomiting).
Although it started out fairly slow, it rapidly progressed at the start of the new year and within a month and a half I'd lost ~ 15% of my body weight (on an already small frame).
I had an EGD/colonoscopy done by a doctor whom I later found out focused primarily on GI surgeries, not GI disorders. He diagnosed me with lymphocytic microscopic colitis and gastritis, and I was treated with Lialda DRx 2 months and Prilosec x3 months.
My symptoms improved for awhile, but almost immediately after stopping the medications, the symptoms came back worse than before. Resuming both of them 2 weeks later (per my family doctor) didn't ease the symptoms off at all this time.
After losing all the weight again and being so fatigued/weak/dehydrated from the D and vomiting, my family doctor prescribed a 60 mg Prednisone pack to be decreased by 10 mg every 3 days...while I was waiting to get in to a GI specialist.
I saw the GI specialist yesterday, and he was very kind and seemed to want to be helpful, however seemed very frustrated that I was on prednisone because he said that would make everything much harder to diagnose now as it "masks" so many things.
He wants me to repeat the EGD/colonoscopy and due a Pill cam next week. He also ran blood work (ESR and CRP were normal- however how indicative are these after a week of prednisone, I wonder?) and celiac panel and IBD panel are still pending. Other than some expected electrolyte abnormalities due to dehydration, everything has looked good.
I looked at my old colonoscopy report and the terminal ileum biopsy showed "Prominent lymphoid aggreggates within the lamina propria composed of small immature lymphocytes. Some other lymphoid aggregates show reactive lymphoid hyperplasia composed of germinal centers surronded by cuff of mature lymphocytes."
R and L colon biopsies both showed "chronic inflammation with intact glandular architecture" and the one from the L side showed "focal lymphoid aggregates."
I am wondering if anyone is familiar with these terms? None of this was ever explained to me. I was just told "microscopic colitis and gastritis" and now I'm being told it needs to be repeated (only 4 and a half months later!)
I feel a bit like I'm going crazy. I'm told I don't "look sick...just way too thin." But I'm too tired to hardly function. I have to get up early to have time to let the symptoms pass in the morning (when they are most severe) and make it to work on time. I'm embarrased to be in my 20's and worried about leaving the house or having to plan my errands to make sure that there are restroom facilities when necessary.
I also feel like I'm beating my head against a wall to say "this isn't normal!" because I don't look "that sick."
However, I'm also not made of money, and don't want to keep repeating expensive tests if they're not necessary.
At a loss at the moment...
Anyone had similar experiences or insight?