Hi again
Now I´m a happy bunny to
Most of the times I mention it no one knows what I´m talking about
or thinks it´s some kind of odd thing or that I´m some kind of advertiser for it
Here the GI´s aren´t convinsed and the method cost a bit so they offer things more traditional even if they also cost a lot before they even think of the adacolumn. And there are to few studies they say. Personally I don´t care the only thing that matters for me is that it works for some of us! You know I have tested most things and have either got sideeffects or no effect at all so when this worked I was the happiest bunny in the world!
You have to repeat it as I said the CD comes back-it´s no cure. But it´s wurth it living like a normal wellbeing person not feeling the tummy at all for severel months. And now I have had the apheresis again waiting for it to kick in again :) and then perheps more then a year of feeling fine again.
Good Luck! Let me know how it goes.