NiceCupOfTea said...
Just to add: if you lost weight as part of this crappy disease, then I'm sorry for that much, I really am. But am I sorry for people envying you for being slim? Am I ****?!!!! If you want sympathy for that, there's loads of people who'll give it to you, but not me I'm afraid. So what if the ones commenting on your weight loss don't understand what your disease is like? Why should they have a discreet sensitivity, when virtually nobody else does? I listen to the hypos around me bang on about their cold or other minor ailment for 15 minutes at a time. Their cold will be gone in 3 days, yet they've gone on more about their cold in 15 sodding minutes than I've gone about my chronic disease which I've had for 12 years without remission to them.
My sympathies nowadays go to teh fatties. As well as my own unfortunate experiences, it pains me, for example, to see my lovely, sweet, intelligent friend have low self-esteem because she is large. It has become sickening, the extent to which we morally judge the overweight. And there's the key sodding word: 'morally' judge.
*somebody finally pulls soapbox out from underneath my feet* >___>
I'm sorry if you felt slighted in anyway, but I think you read something into my post that wasn't there. I was trying to offer my support and my own thoughts to the OP.
And I totally understand your point about
people complaining about
being "sick" for a day or two when we have to deal with chronic illness.
Fatties and bonies should unite! But seriously, this should be about
offering support for each other because we don't need to be having silly arguments (born out of message board limitations) get in the way. The point is to find common ground. I've been suffering from Crohn's for years, and now my PSC has put me on the liver transplant list. I'm going through a real crap time right now, and I'm trying to avoid any and all stress and negativity, so I'm only interested in getting along here.
Here's the thing: behind each silly screen name is a real person with a detailed and complicated life that can't be expressed or understood through a few message board posts. It's important to remember that.
And if I've ever written anything more rambling and incoherent than this, I'd be surprised. I just felt a bit caught off guard by your initial response. But I understand your points, and I want to agree, not argue, because we agree on the basic point. I wish you well.