Does anyone have any suggestions to temporarily relieve pain? I have tried soaking in hot bath, heating pad and colonic message. I am in severe pain and just need a break from it. Currently on Prednisone 30 mg, Oxycodone, Dicyclomine, Zofran, Mylanta, Tums, Gas X and I am in the process of getting approved for Remicade.
History - I had a resection in February. But about a month ago I had huge flare. Lost weight and still have difficulty eating. I am experiencing a lot of pain in the lower right abdomen (where they removed 16 inches and my appendix). I had a CT done about two weeks ago the doctor said I still have a lot of post surgery swelling. I have been told by other members that the swelling from the surgery should be gone. He did say that I could have adhesive disease whatever that is? Does that mean I may be developing adhesions?
He also noted that I have multiple enlarged lymph nodes in the mesentery in the right lower quadrant (surgery site) with adjacent fat stranding likely related to an inflammatory process versus recent surgery. What does this mean? And that I have diffuse fatty filtration of the liver and that the liver is enlarged.