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codeine contin 50mg
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Regular Member
Joined : Feb 2003
Posts : 499
Posted 3/24/2008 2:07 PM (GMT 0)
Anybody on this medication, does it help?
Veteran Member
Joined : Nov 2007
Posts : 4505
Posted 3/24/2008 9:31 PM (GMT 0)
I was given Vicodin, but it made me too loopy, so I don't take it. codeine does cause constipation, so if you are struggling with D, it may help with that and the pain
artist guy
Veteran Member
Joined : Jan 2010
Posts : 1373
Posted 7/23/2011 12:26 PM (GMT 0)
yes I take oxycodone, 20mg without anything in it i.e. tylenol. I live in san diego, I am on cal-cobra, but it is long story so I'll skip the story and tell you I was forced finanacially to choose this mex/amer. ins. so you have dr in mex. all drugs I get have to come from mex and mex dr. all prodecures have to be done in mex hosp. so I'm praying I don't need any procedure done for a least 1 yr. then I switch to medicare, anyway the meds are good/poor. good meaning I take asacol and immuran, good drugs there. $10 co-pay but the pain meds I go to pain specialist who great, the most compasionate dr I have ever met, and I'm 60 with cd for 40 yr's. he insists I take oxy with no acetamenphen in it. and with this ins. I supposedly can go to these type of spec. only three times unless they order, he is the only dr that I know in tijuana that can prescribe these drugs group 1. but I go and I can get them, month later I go back and he called every pharm he could that deals with my ins. and none avaiable, so I got 5/325 oxy's he wasn't happy with that. I asked him about
that policy and he said I don't understand there thinking, he said you need this med for the rest of your life to have some form of quality. so he prescribed me 200 of them and wants me back within 3 weeks, to try to get the 20's. I was rear ended while I was parked, and the woman was going 65 mph. so I have those major problems to deal with. but I need at least 1 for slowing down my bowels, I have had 9ft of sm. bowel mechanically removed, so I have short bowel syndrome. But he sent in his notes to head office that i need to see him indefinatly, and he said if they don't like it, to bad. he is the leading pain spec. and pallative care in tijuana. he works out of the first of it's kind in TJ. state of the art hosp. it's 3 yr's old. ins. cost me and my wife $200 month. but if you are in emergency and in san diego, you go to closest hosp. get treated then transport you to mex hosp. But some of the drugs are watered down.
New Member
Joined : Sep 2012
Posts : 3
Posted 9/24/2012 6:09 AM (GMT 0)
Hi all i find it hard to know that the USA Does not have a %100 Free medical care for every one like here in Australia i live on a Disability Pension i have Not paid for any Operations that i have had and i have had about
ten in all and all Med,s are $5.80 each script
till you reach $550 then all med,s are Free for the rest of the Year Why dont other countrys have a good medical care like Australia and to see your GP it,s Free you just sign the Form cost,s you Nothing ??
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