My 37 year old cousin was diagnosed with CD in jan 2012 after suffering for a year with on again, off again pain in her side, but no D. Then in Jan, the pain came and did not go away, and GI said it was CD and put her on steriods and pentassa, but pain still continued in her right side until july, when she finally got an abcess , and she went to a surgeon and had 4 inches of her TI and valve and appendix removed. Now she feels absolutely 100% perfect, with no more pain , gained weight, and can eat anything she wants, but doesn't.
Prior to surgery, the GI kept pushing her to go on humira which she resisted, and he kept feeding her with steriods saying surgery isn't necessary and isn't the answer, that humira is all you need to feel better. Humira will be your saving grace and put you in remission. He kept bad mouthing the surgeon, saying all they want to do is cut, when drugs will work just fine. Yea, drugs that turn off your immune system so you get worst problems. Steriods were bad enough, I can't imagine what she would have been like if she was on humira.
Anyway, in july, after suffering since jan with pain, she finally ended up with an internal abcess the size of a lemon, and the the surgeon said , this is the time, you have to have that diseased part of your TI removed, or things will get worst, drugs will not help this problem, it will only postpone the problem and it might get worst.
On the other hand, the GI was saying, the surgeon knows nothing, all he wants to do is to cut. What I recommend is that first we will put you ramcaide because it sounds like you have a fistula which caused the abcess, and remacaide is great at healing fistulas. Then once the abcesse is healed, you can go on humira. Yo don't need surgery. Yea..all you need is to turn off your immune system and you will be perfect again.
My cousin decided to go with the surgeon. During surgery, they found that the appendix had bonded with the TI in one large mass of inflamation. He removed 4 inches of TI and the valve and the appendix, and also took samples during the surgery that were analized on the spot by a pathologist looking for CD so they make sure to remove everything.. Guess what was found,,,, NO active CD anywhere downstream of the inflammed 4 inches, NO active CD found anywhere upstream of the inflammed 4 inches, and NO active CD in the rectum or colon. In the inflammed part they removed, they found only a small section of CD. The surgeon concluded that all her pain and suffering the last year was from a bad appendix and not CD as the GI had said. The abcess that the GI said was from a fistula because of her CD, was actually from the appendix and not from the CD. Surgeon looked and could not find any path of a fistula anywhere.
Final conclusion, all the pain was from the appendix, and CD was just comming along for the ride. This explains why she never had any D prior to surgery, because the CD was not the culprit.
After the surgery, the GI told my cousin now has you have to go on humira so the CD does not come back. My cousin was pissed, WHAT CD!!!!,,there was hardly any CD to begin with, and now you want me to turn off my immune system, just because they found a tiny bit that was taken out. My cousin told te GI to take a hike and stick humira up his you know what. Another more conservative GI put her on pentassa 500mg 4 times a day just as a precaution and suggested she continue following the SCD diet which she started during the last year , that it can't hurt.
My cosuin wishes she had the surgery in jan instead of waiting and listening to the GI. Now she feels great, no more pain, BMs are 100% normal even with the valv gone. In her case surgery was a plus.