Hello there. Here in Portugal is morning, a cloudy one. After Church meeting I can´t stop thinking of you and your son. My prayers are for you both too.
Kezbern is right. His GI should NOT give that dosage to him, it´s very heavy, it´s really 2x times higher than the normal. Another thing Kezbern is right is if he does not do well with a brand then try another, but at reasonable dosage. I would not although agree with total stop of the main core composition of brands like Asacol/Pentasa/Apriso or Generic which is MESALAMINE. Of course too much is bad but not taking the normal dose could not be good as well.
For maintenance you should take MESALAMINE with or without inflammation, if your Crohn is in the small intestine, especially in the ileum section (the terminal zone of the small intestine that junctions with the large) BUT at normal doses.
Once I get the idea to take off Asacol which I did at some point, for a few weeks I felt great, but then some of the symptoms returned and I got worse. I am 100% sure that MESALAMINE at the right dose is very helpful.
You´ve said in an earlier post that "his GI symptoms are ok no D, no pain however in the ER the dr did a CT of abdomen because he saw something on the xray that he thought could be an abcess...after the CT came back they consulted surgery, they said he didnt need surg because they couldnt be sure what they saw and his GI exam was normal no tenderness to palpation of abdomen either. could it be inflammation without symptoms?”
That is not normal, one Doc says that he saw something on the xray that could be an abcess and the other Doc says he couldn’t be sure what they saw? That´s weird. Is there anything or there isn´t. It´s that plain and simple. They can´t be stuck in the middle. Is there anything or is there not.
There are a lot of people who do NOT have inflammation but still have symptoms due to bowel strictures or abcesses. I myself have no inflammation but have bowel strictures and scar tissue due to previous inflammation that gives me pain, diarrhea and tiredness. But that is me. His GI has to check for real evidence of abcesses or bowel strictures ASAP. MRI exams are very good to detect that. He might consider a Colonoscopy that reaches the ileum.
Hope I´ved help. Have a nice Sunday. A huge hug for Andrews.
Things will get better, probably not as you want, but they will get better.
I´m 36 years old. I was diagnosed at the age of 16. Me and my parents went through “hell” , I got 4 ressections (removal of parts of the small intestine) I do not have the job with which I dreamed ( I was a B+ student) but with time I found my equilibrium, not a cure, but a state of joy although there are many things I cannot do as I wanted to. I started to take pleasure in amidst of pain, on small things of life.
I´m married with a great and supportive woman and have two great kids. If you asked me 15 or 20 years ago if that could be possible I would have answered on the spot NO.
Now Andrew “politely” as you can go find your answers amongst Doctors. It is your right, but keep in mind it could take some time. Press forward. Wish you and your mom the best!!!
Pedro "Xanca"
Post Edited (xanca) : 10/21/2012 5:26:25 AM (GMT-6)