Hi Sherbear, thank you for responding. I have been to numerous ob/gyn's and they all don' t know what is causing the vaginal bleeding. This started about
4 years ago. I bleed for two weeks, stop bleeding for a few days and it starts all over again. Bleed again for another almost 2 weeks. I have been tested for endometriosis, thyroid problems, pcos, fibroids, hormone imbalances. Everything is normal. The only thing that was seen on a ultrasound was a tiny endometrial polyp. It's as small as the tip of a pen. She doesn't think that is causing the bleeding but she says it might. She wanted to remove it but since I've had so many abdominal surgeries she said I was at an increased risk of penetrating the abdominal wall and getting an infection. I have been using ovulation tests and I do get a positive ovulation once a month. But, we still don't get pregnant. Since I bleed so irregularly I was told to start testing for ovulation on the 5th day of bleeding. But it's never the same. Last month it was positive for ovulation on the 21st. We started trying every other day starting on Oct. 1st and three days ago I started bleeding. I though I was pregnant b/c I haven't bled since Oct. 17th. Big disapointment. Could it be that the crohn's just won't let me get pregnant? I was able to get pregnant July of last year. Sadly, my babies heart stopped beating at 8 weeks.
And we only tried for 2 cycles. So I know I can get pregnant so what's the problem. Is the crohn's disease to active so my body is not letting it happen? I am so confused and I'm sad. I just would like one more healthy baby. Thank you guys for reading my post.