Cleo - I actually work in the health insurance industry. And I have a very understanding boss that has known me for about
20 years. The thing is, sometimes you have to make an appearance to keep your job stable - I have a position where I present to both internal and external customers. I also do not want to show signs of weakness because no matter what an HR department says, you can be harmed by peoples perceptions. I have managed quite well over many years to hide my issues so I am able to work 40+ hours. I know I am one of the fortunate ones. I also knows it stinks and we should not have to "hide" our issues. I just know that in reality you are corporately expected to give 110% all the time - with a fortunate boss who letss me rest when needed.
Gumby - yeah that is the good thing about those stupid wacky diets out there...nothing is out of the realm of possibility. And most of the folks here know I wanted to diet to fit into my Mrs. Claus costume in December. I consider myself skilled at the pushing food around concept....used to do it all the time when I worked for a person that always picked ethnic restaurants with no menu choices for me. I just had not had to do it in a couple of years and lost my touch