I went Gluten Free and processed Sugar Free about 8 months ago. (I have been LActose free for almost 15 years)
I can certianly tell you that the sugar free was the biggest difference (flatulance completely stopped)
Also, I had Canker Sores that had persisted for over 8 months that cleared up within 2 weeks of going Gluten and Sugar Free.
What I can tell you is thta I lost almost 50 pounds and feel really good.
I can also tell you that Gluten free has not helped my Crohns.
I have had 2 significant GI bleeds in the past 6 months, so it is definitely not helping the healing process in the terminal Ileum, but I am sticking with it. I feel really good, and am losing weight. 80% of my diet was gluten based in the past - (I was the biggest bread, pasta, cracker, cake, cookie etc eater you could imagine). I missed those foods inititally, but have adjusted - Gluten free pasta is good with a primavera sauce on top. My wife makes a bread almond bread (We make them like pancakes as if you make a loaf it is really shallow - Does not rise- and looks like banana bread - you cannot really use it for sandwiches) -
I do a lot of Sushi, Steak, Chicken - Rice - Sauteed vegitables with the skin peeled off (I like to cook the vegetables until they melt in your mouth - Makes digestion very easy) - I eat non fibrous fruits (Peeled Apples) and chew them well or I drink Fruit Purees -
I do lactose free cheeses and milks (Soy and Lactade) but they both tend to make me gassy - so I do them every other day or so to ensure I get calcium.
I hope this helps