Hi, everyone. I'm new to the boards, but I've been reading for a little while and this seems like a good place to come to get advice from people that are actually going through what I am going through.
I have noticed over the last maybe 6 months that I have been having what I call a mini flare up about 3-4 days before I start my period. I will have lack of appetite, stomach pain (worse than normal period cramps), diarreah, and I will even drop 3-5 lbs. I talked to my dr and he said that he had not heard anything about their being a link between crohn's flare ups and periods. I've noticed a few other women on here saying that they also experienced flare ups before their periods as well. I was just wondering if that was "common" so to speak and is there anything I can do to stop this or make it not as bad.
I have come to dread my period each month because in addition to dealing with the usual period discomfort, I also have to deal with the pain and discomfort of a crohn's flare up.