What is your opinion?
I have Crohn's disease and take 50 mg. of 6MP which for the
most part keeps the disease relatively calm but I am not in remission.
Yesterday, I started have stomach pain up high between the
breast bone. It was like a wave of
intense pain that would last about 10 seconds.
Last night before bed I was pretty uncomfortable so I took 5 mg of
prednisone. I took 5 more in the middle
of the night, 5 more in the morning and 10 around noon. The intense intermittent stomach pain
continued and wrapped around to steady heavy pain in my back and thighs. I had
chills too. A few hours ago, I threw up and had watery d. The pain in the stomach has reduced to
just a throb but the back and thighs
ache quite a bit. I have had partial obstructions before and when I began to
vomit, there was no way to keep any liquids down. This time I drank about 12
oz. of water and a little bit of a protein shake and it is staying in.
As it is a Sunday, I want to see if I can hold out until the
morning to see a doctor. Does this seem
more like a partial obstruction or pancreatitis? I had my gall bladder removed about 15 years
ago and I drink alcohol once in a while at a party.