I had an appointment with the physician's assistant that works with my GI doctor because I couldn't get an appointment with him for the times that worked for me. She talked to me about
increasing my Remicade dose or starting me on Imuran to try and keep my Chron's under control. During my last Remicade infusion my airway closed up even though I was pre-medicated. So I told her I would rather try the Imuran. She said that taking Imuran and Remicade together works really well to keep Chron's under control. Has anyone taken these meds concurrently? She said that it may help the fistulas too but my surgeon and primary GI doc have pretty much decided surgery is the only way to fix my ECF below my belly button. I would love if it kept me in remission.
I also have had increasing pain around the enterocutaneous fistula I have that is right below what is left of my belly button from my reconnection surgery from my temp ileostomy. On Tuesday I felt a "popping" sensation accompanied by a sharp stabbing pain. Even though I am taking my OxyIR the pain never goes below a 5/10 since... It drains stool and the stool has been blood streaked about
half of the time. While I was changing the gauze frank blood ran out. That is NOT normal. With the increasing pain that has me worried. I told the PA and she said that something may have ripped inside and was bleeding. It has happened once before and the streaking in the stool also means something is bleeding more than just the few times it has been plain blood. I have an appointment with my surgeon tomorrow, but it bothers me that the PA just seemed not worried at all about
increasing pain and frank blood... I know my surgeon manages the fistula and the GI docs don't really do much with it but I thought she would be able to point me more towards an answer and what I can do to help the problem in the mean time because it is pretty painful.
I was wondering if anyone has had similar experiences and what was the cause?? I am trying to avoid surgery so I can finish nursing school, but I am afraid something is going wrong that I cannot put off surgery...