So I am starting to really develop some anxiety I have always been an anxious person , I feel it is getting worse bc of having this DD, I am in a flare, eating is causing me to get pretty anxious. Not knowing what I will feel like after I eat, eating out socially is really the most hard the questions about
what can I eat, or oh you poor thing you have to eat something... Also, just having the anxiety feeling makes my stomach cramp more. I am thinking mabe talking to my Doc. about
anxiety meds. I have an appt. on wed. to see my GI, I am going to ask him about
trying anxiety meds. or do most people have this perscribed by primary doc.? I sometimes also wonder if my anxiety causes a lot of my crohns symptoms.. So what anxiety drugs work the best for people? (was on paxil about
13years ago it gave me such bad night terrors I got off it is that typical for anxiety drugs)
Thanks for any input!
Currently taking 200mg Imuran, 6mg entocort, protonix, multivitamin, iron supplements, and fish oil.
Looking into biologics as can't get this flare undercontrol... but really don't want too!