pb4 said...
NCOT I've been doing this for 22 years, I'm pretty sure I've done all kinds of experimentation and I was sharing with the OP what has worked best for ME...If I find it necessary to go that long without solid food and doing a liquid diet, who are YOU to say it's not necessary???? You may have crohn's like I do, but you do not have all the same experiences that I have had with mine...why do you always have to bash other peoples ideas and experiences and come off like a know it all on everything! Because you certainly don't.
But it
isn't necessary, that's my whole point. If you want to fast for 2 days, then fast for 2 days. I have no problem with that whatsoever if that's how you prefer to do it. But the topic creator was asking if they could have breakfast, if you remember. Not whether they could skip breakfast.
@JLCat - Glad the colonoscopy went okay. Best of luck with the worm eggs!