Hey all,
I am on Remicade every 8 weeks, still have a draining seton in, but it is almost fully healed and set to be removed in a month. I have been working and going to school the last 6 months. This schedule is not abnormal to me, as I use to work full time and part time plus school and other activities on top of it. In the past I could sleep in on the weekends and maybe have a 13 hr sleep one day during the week and manage fine....
Now. I am tired all the time. I thought it was because these last courses were really difficult and I was studying so much, but school finished a few weeks ago. I am only working one job now, regular hours, I get atleast 7-8 hrs of sleep a night and exercise regularly, but I spend most of my day feeling tired/run down/ wanting to go home to nap? Its seems to be in general and not really connected to around infusions times either. Any suggestions on what I could get my doc to check for in blood tests. Most things are checked monthly because of my remicade. The only other thing I can think of is that I don't eat enough fruits and veggies, but that's due to my stricture.
Any suggestions would be great.
Thank you,