Well, I had about
8 warts in total, so more than a couple but less than you. Have also had cold sores, though I didn't start getting those until much later (about
5 years ago): probably caught the virus off my mum. I dunno if you can get these where you are, but I have found them brilliant:
www.compeed.co.uk/compeed-coldsore/invisible-cold-sore-patch'Invisible' is a lie, but the appearance definitely is a massive improvement. Nails the pain of a cold sore on the head, too. Next time you get a cold sore, try to get hold of these or something similar. Meanwhile, you won't carry on getting cold sores all the time forever; they are most frequent when you are first infected with the virus, then decrease over time. (Have seen this happen with my mum; she doesn't get them anything like as much as she used to.)
The warts, too, will probably just go if you leave them alone. Placing bandaids all over your fingers really will make you stand out :-/ Maybe it's bad of me, but I can't see what's horribly wrong about
passing on non-genital warts anyway. Even if my warts came back, I certainly wouldn't be prepared to cover up my fingers. Wouldn't expect the same of anyone else and wouldn't do it myself.
Which brings me onto your two girlfriends who left you. They were either using your warts/cold sores as an excuse to break up, or they were really, really shallow. I dunno how old you all are, but if they were teenagers, then I partly excuse them: if they were in their 20s or older, they really should be mature enough to look past the 'uurggh, gross!' factor by now. Crohnies of all people need a partner who isn't easily grossed out. It's not just your outward appearance you have to worry about
: you have a rather serious disease which could see you spending time in hospital or having surgery. Obviously I hope that isn't in your future, but any potential girlfriend needs to be able to take that on board. Otherwise, the relationship is essentially over even before it's began.
Maybe somebody else with a bit more experience in relationships can chip in to say something useful here....
Anyway, I hope I haven't at least made you feel worse. I wasn't judging you from the forums you posted in; didn't even see that until after I had replied already. But I do think people in general have a tendency to find something specific to latch non-specific emotions which are difficult to handle onto. Everyone does it, including me, so I'm not calling you crazy because of it. I guess I'm just trying to stop you feeling so desperate about
the warts, because I don't think the warts are the sole issue.
I can sort of speak from personal experience; not with warts, but with a poor body image. The body is highly visible, so it's easy to project all our insecurities and self-loathing onto. I can't escape that trap, but I try to be aware it is a trap: it's the best I can manage. I do have a few personal examples to draw from of people who didn't let their appearance alter their self-belief or happiness.