I am sorry your daughter is not responding to the Humira yet.
Has she been tested to determine her vitamin D level? Is she taking a probiotic or two? I take 2 types of probiotics, Align in the morning on an empty stomach and Garden of Life Primal Defense Ultra at night before bed. I also take a slippery elm during the day. These have made such a difference for me. Before my current regime, I was so sick and although the biologics did help initially, after a year or two on each, I no longer responded to them and was running out of options until I discovered what worked for me...
I would also like to suggest you go to crohnsdad.com and read what he did for his daughter. He was a firm believer in LDN, diet and supplements. He helped manage his daughters illness using those products. Unfortunately, he passed away from a heart attack but his website lives on to help others with children who suffer from this horrible disease.
Some other things I would offer is rectal meds such as mesalamine enemas, fish oil, Boswellia, the SCD, paleo diets, liquid diets and MM .
Best of luck! Sending prayers your way!