So.... here is the spill for today. Last time I posted, I was tapering off the predisone from 15mg to 10mg. In the past three weeks I have taken flagyl 500mg 4x a day for 6 days for preventative measures and Zpak when I tested positive for the flu. I developed oral thrush after taking both of the antibotics and took diflican for 7 days. The oral thrush is almost all cleared up. I took my Humira shot this past weekend, and I have been having the itchy, redness from the shot. I started to feel VERY crappy again this past Friday and upped the predisone back to 20mg on Saturday. My stomach started bloating, upper ab was crampy. Also, my feet were started to get the "cold" feeling or the opposite where they feel as if they are burning. Sunday I woke up and felt SUPER weak. My hands, feet and legs felt so weak, and continued to feel "cold" but feet were sweaty. I have been keeping up with checking my temp as well, and it has gone back & forth between normal & low grade. The past two weeks I have felt SOOOO tired. SO tired that I have been falling asleep on the couch around like 7pm when I get off of work. I just don't feel right. My head has been foggy too. Before I got the flu I was feeling SOO incredible after starting the humira & pred. I had energy, my head was clear, BM were normal & few, no cramping or ab at all. I've also had issues in the past 2 weeks with not being able to take deep breaths. When I go to yawn I don't get the full deep breath, and it is so unsatisfying. I feel that my brain isn't getting enough oxygen or something.
So anyways.... I am at a loss.