my brother had his first flare at 16. His case is a more severe case than mine. But i have additional problems that he doesn't have so i dont know maybe it ends up a drawal. But he had his first flare at 16. He was in the hospital for months. I think close to six months straight in a children's hospital. He didn't eat for at least 4 of those months at all. But the eventaully found what works for him and now he has no problems and is doing very well. a lot better than me infact. So hang in there. Hopefully you are only there a few days. Maybe there is certain foods your son will notice upset his stomach. If so limit or avoid them completely. That right there could make a big difference. The doctors may try certain medications based on what exactly is going on with him. (I haven't read the other post yet, so i'm not sure if you mentioned it in there). But like i said my brother was labeled with a severe case and i started around the same time with a mild case. Now i have a list of issues and he has none. So everyone is different when it comes to this but we will be here to help answer your questions and offer support when needed.
i know they've helped me on here a few times.