Just wondering if I'm the only one struggling so much with this!
I had a ongoing flare from september of 2011 until thanksgiving weekend of 2012 when I was finally diagnosed. A month later I developed an intestinal obstruction and a month after that, I received emergency surgery.
Before my symptoms began, I weighed 90 pounds (15 years old). During the flare I dropped down to 84 pounds. After my surgery, I left the hospital weighing 80 pounds and looking horrible (only skin and bones because all the fat on my body had disappeared from not eating for three weeks in the hospital).
I slowly gained back the weight I had lost.
I remember one day around March 2012, I was looking at myself in the mirror and I was SO happy with how my body looked. It looked absolutely perfect. I had the dream body. Flat stomach, nice legs, perfectly thin arms, it was incredible. But I realized that I couldn't keep this body because I hadn't reached my original weight again.
I started gaining the weight back and reached 105 pounds in June of 2013. And I was absolutely disgusted with myself - how could I have let myself gain so much weight?
I long to see the number 80 on the scale again... I know that the only reason the scale said 80 was because I was sick, but I just wish I saw a small number again.
I used to eat probably 100-200 calories a day because it was too painful, and now I'm eating 1000 calories a day (which is still below the amount I need) and I feel like I'm overeating so much (when in reality, I'm not.)
I just can't get all these horrible thoughts out of my head. I want to be skinny again. I want to not need food as much as I do now. I want to be 80 pounds.
I can't get over this obsession I have with my body and my weight and food.
Help please