First of all, please forgive me if I ramble on but my stress level is at full capacity and I am so SCARED. I sure could use some advice on what to expect when not only having one resection but another as well at the same time. I have crohn's in the terminal ileum with 6 inches of severe stricturing of the small intestines. When I went to see the surgeon and had another colonoscopy, he informed me that part of my intestine in another
location was fused together with a portion of my colon and I would require at resection there. I would appreciate any advise on the following concerns i have.
1. I have been told that a Q-ball analgesic and a pain pump could be used. Some say the pain pump is not as effective as IV injections. I have also been told that they may give me both. Has anyone had any of these combinations or something else that was as or more effective. I cant do morphine so has anyone used a pain med as effective as this?
2. What unexplained by the doctor issues will i might have to deal with in post op that I should possibly be prepared for as I am not one who handles surprises very well.
3. Surgeon said that hospital stay could be 10-14 days and I thought that was such a long period of time. Anyone had to stay that long for a planned surgery?
4. What should I plan to have at home to help aid in my recovery that might not be suggested by the surgeon?
Fellow Crohnies truly understand what another is feeling so I look to you all for any advise you could give me. I am really scared because I truly dont feel that I get all the possible info needed from a professional who has not had to live or deal with this disease. I feel we are put in a generalized category but i know that we are all different.
Thank you for your time as your advice, opinions and suggestions would mean the world to me.