Hi all I'm new here
I'm in the process ov being diagnosed with chrones I've had colonospoy a few days before Xmas which cudnt get further than half way round but suggested crones due to the ulshers n state ov my bowel so then had MRI a few months ago n am due to go bk for results at end ov the month for results
14 days ago I was admitted to hosp with a infected abscess had a seton placed which has only today started to become bearable due to a second abscess apearing luckily I managed to convince doc to try antibiotics (cus they wanted to send me straight to hosp ) which seem to have done the trick so far lol but over the past few weeks I keep getting hot and cold sweats
1 min I'm freezing the next I'm sweating lol even more at night I wake up soaked in sweat is this normal does anyone know ??
Wondering if it's anything to do with either crohns or the seton