Well, the psychological screening was a disaster :-/
I walked out. At some point it became clear that I wasn't going to be taken seriously. It turned out that it was an 'acute crisis' intervention, but I didn't find this out until near the end. So I'm there, trying to explain my situation, which is extremely difficult for me. The practical side: fine. That's what we talked about
at first, eg my moving out of home. Then it moved onto the emotional side, which is extraordinarily difficult to talk about
. But I try to. I talk about
how my relationship with my dad has completely broken down, my Crohn's and surgery, and a few other things. I go briefly into the past, because I
have to. The woman then said to me it sounded like my problems were with the past and they didn't deal with the past, they were an acute crisis team.
That's when I just lost it. I told her that I was sick of being fobbed off (yes, I used those words), that I had been fobbed off for years. Each time I saw somebody nothing was done. I told her I tried to kill myself in 2009 by taking an overdose and nothing was done. I told her that any improvements I had made had been down to me and that nobody else had helped me. I said something about
failing the vulnerable. The woman just kept saying 'okay' to every point I made; she didn't even try to persuade me to stay, just let me go without saying a word.
And I don't regret a single word I said. I just hope my point was made. It probably wasn't. She probably won't take on board a single thing I said, but I'm still glad I said it, because the state of mental health treatment on the NHS is absolutely disgusting. It's so poor, I don't know why the NHS just doesn't do what it secretly would like to do if it could and shut down all mental health services across the country and plough the savings back into physical health care.
Anyway, having read your post, I'm a bit worried, gumby. The steroids are clearly not helping. I'd be inclined to phone Chicago and ask if you can go there tomorrow and be admitted. You may need a resection at this rate; I hope not, but you can't carry on the way you are. In the meantime, as long as you stay on liquids you should be safe.
Yeah, I have a legal right to my medical records. I just feel weird about
asking, like the doctor will think I'm a massive obsessive or something: the problem lies with me.
Good luck. Come home early if the pain resumes... :-/
PS: Just had a thought. You may have been better off posting in your own thread, gumby, as I'm not sure how many people check my whinging threads... >.> I still think you should phone Chicago for an earlier appointment, but if you want other opinions, you can post in your own thread or make a new one. I don't think there's a
lot else you can do: like you said, I don't think your own GI will be very helpful.
Post Edited (NiceCupOfTea) : 5/9/2014 8:56:39 AM (GMT-6)