I was diaganosed in 2007 with CD in the colon after having two massive rectal fistulas. GI said the only way to heal these fistulas was remicade. I refused to compromise my immune system, so I researched and I decided to try the SCD diet. After 5 months of fanatical 100% dedication to the diet, both fistulas were healed up, and all other symptoms like muscus and blood in stools were gone. The only drug I took was pentassa(which I still take). That was 7 years ago and I have not had a flare or symptom since then and I still follow the SCD diet.
The secret to success with this diet is 100% fanatical dedication. If you pick and choose parts of the diet to follow and not to follow,,,you are wasting your time, and this diet WILL NOT WORK. You have to do it all or none for you to see success. Also it is not an overnight success. It takes 2 or 3 months before you start to see results.
The other secret to this diet is eating homemade yogurt that has been fermented for 24 hrs. Store bought yogurt WILL NOT WORK. Store bought yogurt has sugar added and is not fermented long enough to eliminate the lactose. Homemade yogurt is a necesity for success with this diet.
I suggest you read the book "breaking the vicious cycle" which goes into detail on this diet and how a woman cured her daughter with this diet.