So I was diagnosed with crohns in the Illeum a few months ago after a capsule endoscope revealed ulcers in my small intestines. My weight has dropped significantly over the past 2 years and I am down to 148.
My Worst symptoms have been extreme fatigue and feeling lethargic all the time. I assume it is my lack of proper nutrition and the fact that my small intestine can not do its job correctly to get me nutrition. I have been on Entocort, Prednisone and Pentassa with no improvement especially in my appetite.
At the advice of a friend I went to see a Chiropractor that also specializes in healing people with my said condition. He healed his daughter from Crohns. His direction is that I need to heal my Small Intestines first and took blood to do a food intolerance test $400 later. He has put me on a modified Paleo diet which I have heard helps people but is so hard to follow. He gave me live probiotics, ClearVite, RepairVite and another supplement to take with every meal to assist with digestion.
Has anyone else been on this type of plan I have for 4 days but heard it will take awhile for my body to heal. I am being optimistic about
it but would love to hear anyone else's opinion on this alternate healing plan.
At the
Post Edited (Snarf1033) : 10/17/2015 7:04:55 PM (GMT-6)