NiceCupOfTea said...
Have your docs considered ordering an MR Enterography (MRI of small bowel with oral and IV contrast)?
What would this show that a pillcam wouldn't?
Also, aren't stool tests to rule out pathogens pretty much the first thing any GI investigation starts with? Blood/stool tests were my first step to diagnosis. I know doctors miss out stuff, but blood and stool tests are so basic, I find it hard to believe that any doctor who took your symptoms seriously enough to investigate them would miss them out.
The pillcam only shows pictures of the inner lining of the small bowel. An MRE shows the entire thickness of the small bowel, plus it provides good images of surrounding tissue and organs.
1. MRE can show wall thickening or wall edema that pillcam can't show.
2. MRE can show fat creeping that pillcam can't show.
3. MRE can show enlarged lymph nodes in abdomen; pill cam obviously can't.
4. MRE can show fistula that pillcam can miss
As for the stool tests, yes, it of course should be done first, and often, but I've learned the hard way not to just assume doctors do tests, no matter how obvious they seem.