It's been months since I last saw my GI but because my insurance changed and now I require a PCP to give me a referral, I haven't been able to see him. Finally got my referral today and have an appointment set up.
I am still on the Entocort and although it is still working ok (not as well as it did the first month or so, to be honest) but it is making me absolutely miserable. Although he said I could go down to 3mg 2x/day, I still have pretty bad insomnia, more frequent headaches, and I have gained an embarrassing amount of weight (bye bye $600 wedding dress
SO I am hoping it is time to go off the Entocort and try "real" Crohn's medications. I guess I'm just a bit weary. I'm tired of feeling like utter crap and add on the weight gain to an already difficult-to-lose amount, and I'm miserable. We had a small family wedding ceremony last month and I could barely relax the whole day for fear I'd need the bathroom, even though I have significantly less bowel movements than I used to and they are rarely urgent anymore, so I also feel bad complaining.
Anyway, I suppose I mostly popped in to catch up and whine to someone other than my (admittedly very patient) husband.
Any suggestions for when I do finally see him? I am worried he will suggest going off the Entocort and doing nothing which just feels too passive to me. I think finding a new GI will be the goal then.
My history: MRE (mid-December: 2 months after starting Entocort in October) showed slight wall thickening consistent with mild Crohns, colonoscopy (October 2) biopsy showed mild inflammation, ESR and other inflammatory markers were mildly elevated, lowered after Entocort started but higher than the normal range. All other medical tests have been normal.