Hey all
I'm a first time poster :)
I'm 17 years diagnosed with crohns disease , confined to my terminal ileum!!
A month ago I ended up in the emergency department with severe abdominal pain , I couldn't put my foot to the floor and everytime i walked it was horrific , I was seen straight away and bloods showed my crp was 65.5 , the doctor though it could my appendix or my bowel so I was rushed for a ct scan ..
It showed an inflamed appendix , my terminal ileum was inflamed and I'd a partial blockage , I spent 4 days in hospital being treated and came home on prednisone ,I'm now facing a possible resection !!
I suffer from awful anxiety and I just can't get over the fear of the Ct , I'm totally panicking over the radiation now !! Google has not been my friend the last few days , I feel like I'm doomed to the after affects of having it done !!
Sorry for the long message
Best wishes A