Posted 9/14/2016 11:19 PM (GMT 0)
Hi Jlang! Sorry to hear you are having issues right now.
I had a temporary loop ileostomy almost exactly one year ago. I had a colon resection and the loop to let the resection and my rectum heal. I had that for about 10 weeks and then had a scope that showed everything healed and a small spot of inflammation that they thought was diversion colitis not active Crohns. So I had the ostomy closed.
Unfortunately my disease came back fast and furious. My surgeon gave me the option of going back in the hospital on full bowel rest on TPN or surgery. If we did surgery he said he was taking it all, colon, rectum, anus and sewing me shut. He said at that point he wouldn't operate unless it was the big surgery. I chose the surgery. I had a rectovaginal fistula that wouldn't heal and my rectal inflammation was so bad it was affecting my bladder and vaginal wall. I was in a lot of pain. So for me I was more worried about other damage from the disease than the risk of surgery.
They made it clear about fertility for the female. Not sure on infertility of the male except for the risk of erectile dysfunction. There are several males on the Ostomy board on this site who have had total proctocolectomies and jpouch surgery that have more information about this and are very good about answering questions. You may want to also post over there.
In my situation I adapted well to the loop so that made my decision easier. For me this surgery was a blessing, no more pain, no more medication, my normal energy is back, and my blood work is normal. The surgery is a big one and recovery is tough but it gave me my life back.
I have Crohns Colitis and my disease was always in my lower left colon and rectum so for now I am on no medication. Is your disease confined to the colon? How long do they think you will have the loop?