I had an MRE with contrast last week (Wed) to try to see what's going on in my small intestines since I am still getting these blasted fevers. No results yet, of course, since Fri and Mon were holidays. But then last night at midnight, I woke up with excruciating abdominal pain and vomited forcefully for 2 1/2 hours (also with D, which was weird because I'd been struggling with C the last two months). It didn't feel like Crohn's, but almost more like food poisoning. My husband talked me into going to the ER (we tried a new hospital this time), and my WBC is 20!! They admitted me and we'll go from here. The neutrophils were elevated, so it's bacterial, whatever it is. I'm wondering if I had an abscess that finally burst or something. But I'm relieved to finally get some treatment. Even with zofran, phenergan, benadryl, and dilaudid, I am still in pain and throwing up a bit. It's not food poisoning because with all my siblings in town we've eaten together at my parents' for every single meal and no one else has gotten sick.
It's just kind of pathetic that I'm
excited about
this. The life of a Crohnnie.