Around two hours ago I woke up with proper bad upper left abdominal pain. At first I thought it was very painful trapped gas, which I get in that area occasionally. Twisted and turned to try to shift it, which did shift some gas - but much lower down. I tried to fall back asleep but the pain was too bad for that. I noticed it was worse when I was lying down, and made better by sitting up. And that when leaning back against the bedrest my left shoulder blade was sore, but not the right one. It felt ultra sore in the ribcage area on the left side, although the actual pain is deeper than that.
Not really any nausea though and deffo no vomiting. No temperature either, although I'm not entirely sure I trust my thermometer.
Eventually I got up, not quite knowing what to do. Settled on taking paracetamol and codeine and making myself a nice cup of tea. That was about
twenty minutes ago and I feel miles better. Still a bit of pain but it's much better.
So yeah, on a scale of 1-10 how likely is it to be pancreatitis?