Bucko said...
Well i went to the ER. I just couldnt take the pain any longer. After waiting 4 hours i was finally called back. They immediately gave me pain meds, dilaudid, and put in orders for a CT scan. The CT scan showed chronic inflammation which has caused a lot of feces to back up in the small intestine. Which is causing pain. However ive been having major watery D. So how am i backed up. The dr wants me to take 3 to 4 capfuls of miralax a day and do enemas. The D that i have is already irritating the hemmies and causing them to bleed. Now taking all that miralax is gonna make it worse. Also the dr said to call and see if i can be seen by new gi dr sooner than march 23rd.
It's called overflow diarrhoea. As the constipation worsens, the faeces become hard and impacted but liquid stool from higher up the bowel passes around the impaction and leaks out.
The constipation was most likely responsible for your severe pain, but the chronic inflammation needs to be treated. You cannot have inflammation and still be in remission!