@Lab...no I've not had an ultrasound of any of my joints. Out of frustration a few years ago this rheumy sent me for an MRI of my knee. It was osteoarthritis, and PT helped. I have wondered why they don't try to see what my joints look like, but haven't ever asked him.
@clo...ha! Some well deserved sarcasm that I missed.
The GI group I go to won't let me even have a brief meeting with another GI. They make it a huge hassle to switch. I don't have any viable options for other GIs. One group I used first had deplorable billing practices and the other doesn't really have any GIs with CD experience. Mine's competent, but I'll have to push hard to get anything out of him.
I'll summon up some energy to be a squeaky wheel over the weekend and see if I can get the GI to offer some options.
Thanks for the empathy and suggestions!