I am in the process of being diagnosed with IBD. I have had stomach problems since I was 14 and I am now 22. Because i suffer with chronic constipation (and a load more symotoms) chrons was never thought of.
However a few months ago I saw a new doctor who thought i have chrons so she suggested a fecal calprotectin test to see if I have inflammation in my bowel. She said its not very common but some people with IBD can have constipation.
The results are supposed to be under 50 in people without IBD and mine came back 600+. She also said that the computer only reads up to 600 so 600+ could mean anything over. Possibly in the thousands even.
She has told me that this 100% means that I have IBD and she's 99% sure its chrons and not UC.
Is this true?
I have my first consultation with a GI at the hospital on the 24th. I'm guessing to book a colonoscopy to find out where the inflammation is.
I have an area on my stomach where I can literally feel my intestine bulging out. Its been there for ages and never goes down. My doctor checks it every time I go there and up until recently we thought it was due to frequent impactions from the constipation.
But for the past 2 months I have been getting either runny or very loose mushy poops (sorry). This is strange for me as I usually go anywhere between 1-3 weeks without pooping but now around 4 times a day. Any way even tho I have been going to the toilet now the bulge is still in my stomach. It feels like a hard tube shape. Because of this and my symptoms my doctor thinks its a stricture. I geuss I will find out when I go for the colonoscopy. But until then I can't stop worrying.
My symptoms at the moment are extreme tiredness, loose poops (usually constipation) bloating and really bad belly pain from the belly button down on both left and right sides. My stomach pain always gets much worse after I eat and ranges from dull aches to sharp stabs.
Does this sound like a stricture?
Usually my stomach pain comes and goes throughout the day but it has been hurting now continuously since Wednesday its hurting so much its putting me off eating because it just gets even worse when I do.
Finally (sorry for going on) I have been struggling with back pain from the kidney area down to my hips it constantly has a dull achey feeling and I have been getting this for months. It worse when I wake up. Does any one else get this?
Would be thankful for any input!