I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling that way! I know how you feel cause I'm feeling it too! I've had this problem for 26 years now and had surgery in May which has given me even worse Diahrrea and Gas. I've pretty much spent the whole summer by the toilet seat!
I have tried Various Brands of Kefir, S. Boulardi, Probiotics, CBD, Cholestramine, Immodium, Oats, Marijuana, the Brat Diet, etc. etc.and still it continues. The same thing happened to me after the surgery I had before this one. The only thing that ended up slowing the flow then was a growing stricture of scar tissue!
I have a Drug Trial Doctor now that has me on Entyvio which is not working but he still wants me to stay on it. What a total waste of time!! (He must be profiting from Shares in the Company)
I've tried almost everything the Drug Companies have come up with but I know they're only "High Tech Bandaids" of varying degrees of effectiveness.
Lately I fantasize of ways I can leave this world and as the years go by I become even more ANGRY that the problem has STILL NOT been fix!
I just can't get over the Fact that the Drug Companies and the Medical people are actually making money from us who are suffering! How can this obvious "Conflict of Interest" be solved?
I then fantasize that the only way this idiocy will ever end is if every Crohn's Sufferer would meet at a rather long and large cliff site then line up along the edge and hold hands and then jump off it together! I think the event should be filmed and put on the News Worldwide! The lasting Message to the World could be, "THEY GAVE UP WAITING!"
There is a theory now that the Condition is caused by a Bacterium called Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis in short "A MAP Infection" from Cows. You can Google MAP + Crohn's Disease then view everything on the subject including the research.
It seems that this is not a New Theory either and Dr. Hermon Taylor in the UK has been studying it for 30 years. The Bacterium hides within white blood cells and the only way to detect it is by its DNA signature.
The other day I read a Summary type Article on Crohn's and how the US will readily spend $450 million on research of Cancer or Diabetes but spends only $4 million on research for Crohn's. And why would the Drug Companies want to cure it for there's NO money in it for them?
So I DON'T hold out much hope that I will ever get rid of the infection that I have!!! When I first became ill my body did NOT lie to me when I started to get Night Sweats and I felt like I had an "Infection" even thou I was told "No it's not one!" by a supposed "Professional". But I can't really blame The "Professional" thou for they were only a "Trained Idiot!" A person who originally desired to help people but then got trained at a Medical School whereby they only see things a certain way and don't think to be an inquiring detective nor come at a problem in an entirely different way. They're no longer curious but fill a round hole in a round way and collect a regular pay cheque and never think to QUESTION the Status Quo!
And see I'm Okay now that I have finished my RANT! But if I were invited to speak to a group of Medical Professionals and/or the Beef & Diary Industries or Government Policy Makers I will be doing some YELLING! I'd of course include some very astute but Constructive Criticism.
I will tell them how it's RUINED my Life & Health, my Career, my Finances, my Social Life, my Family, my Living Situation, my Travels, my Holidays, my Dreams, my Hopes & Aspirations, my Talents, my Potential etc. etc. etc. I will be in their face and I will make sure that I leave a lasting impression!
Any which way one cuts it and tries to deal with their illness, it should still NOT BE HAPPENING!
THIS injustice should not be "managed" nor "accepted" nor put up with!