Posted 10/30/2017 5:37 AM (GMT 0)
a little late to this thread so I assume you've already had your appt. i only have experience with the LIFT procedure (failed the first try), haven't tried flap - yet, and hopefully won't have to. As far as what you would ask your surgeon, personally I would ask how many procedures they have performed of each, and what their success rates are. Specifically regarding the procedure, ask what kind of limitations on activities there are after the surgery. I know with the flap you have be a bit careful about not pulling out your stitches so they generally don't recommend you do much for the next 2-3 weeks or so. The LIFT is not so delicate, but it does hurt to sit for the first week.
I also like to know how long after the surgery do you have to wait until you know the procedure succeeded. With the LIFT, its generally about 10 weeks or so and you should know if it failed or not. For mine, I knew within 1 week that it failed. Not sure what the timeline for the flap is.