Posted 11/27/2017 10:26 PM (GMT 0)
I have read a lot of your history of everything you have had going on this past year. You had a pretty rough time of things. Hopefully Stelara will be the one to turn things around for a long time. My gi always called crohns a seasonal disease, he said spring & fall is when his patients had more trouble than any time of the year. He always had more patients that had to be put in the hospital during that time, I was one of them. He use to tell me, you all work me to death during this time, lol. I am well aware that stress cannot induce a flare, however, I worked at a very stressful job & most of the time the stress was off the scale. My dr was in agreement on this because he would see the shape I was in.
If you are considering the LTD just make sure your gi is on board with this. He will have to fill out forms on your behalf. These need to be addressed by him, not your PCP. He may want you to give Stelara a good chance to see if it improves your situation before agreeing on the LTD.
Take care.