Hello everyone,
I had my first abcess almost a year ago when I was 17 years old. I was experiencing pressure around my Anus as well as puss leaking from the inside of my anus. I went to my doctor and she told me it was a hemeroid, which was completely false. One day I was in a lot of pain and went to the ER where I saw a colorectal surgeon. I had the abcess drained and a rubber seton placed. In less than two weeks my abcess returned, more painful than ever. I was scheduled for another surgery. My surgeon at the time inserted another seton which provided temporary relief but yet again after 3 weeks my abcess was back. I was devastated and just wanted to enjoy the end of my senior year so I lived with it for about
a month. It grew and the physical and emotional pain it brought me was immense. I couldn't sit the way I wanted to in class. I couldn't participate in many activities. I walked like a duck due to my discomfort. I was 17 and I just wanted to live my life as most of us feel on this forum. I went in for my third surgery in 3-4 months and this time my colorectal surgeon cleared out all of the tissue that was infected as well as a rubber seton placement. I woke up to a hole/void the size of a small orange next to my anus. Completely devastated and in complete pain but in about
a month I could resume normal activities. I lived with my rubber seton for about
4 months as I went to college. I would play with it making sure no stools were left, used a shower head to clean after bowl movements, applied flagyl constantly, and placed gauze in the area. The area was stable, the abcess was gone, and I felt like a normal college girl- like I was in control of my own life again!
I recently just had my fourth surgery with a different colorectal surgeon (who is so catious and caring). Initially I went in to get a fistualtomy to be done with this nightmare once and for all (heal the fistula).I went into the operating room thinking that was what would happen was a fistulatomy but I woke up with a cutting seton and I lost it because it seemed every time I think an operation would end my misery, another unexpected thing would happen. My surgeon said that the fistula was too high and long to do a fistulatomy, considering I would have a high risk of incontinence. No 18 year old wants to even consider that idea, but I am grateful enough to have avoided that. Therefore he placed a cutting seton to cut slowly and reduce the trauma to my sphincter muscle. Only problem is, I wasn't mentally prepared for this cutting seton. I go back to college in 12 days and I'm still in lots of pain and discomfort from this cutting seton. I want my rubber seton back so badly because everything was great after I healed and recovered from my third surgery. I tried to go in today to replace the cutting seton back to the rubber seton considering I know how to live and clean the rubber seton while in college, but when he began to insert the probe into the area I screamed in agony as the area is still very raw since I had surgery 7 days ago. I couldn't go through the replacing procedure. So it looks like I'm stuck with this cutting seton in college which I'm hoping is a blessing in disguise. I want to defeat this fistula in the summer after I'm done with my semester, which is when I will have the first tightening of the cutting seton.
For those with a cutting seton how long did it take for the pain and discomfort to go away? Also how do you clean the area after a bowl movement? I'm so used to moving my rubber seton around while spraying it with a shower head but I can't even touch near my cutting seton. Will it function as a regular seton over time since I'm not tightening it until I'm done with school?
The pain of the cutting seton is difficult. I can't move without being in pain. I can't sit on my bottom. If I cough or sneeze I feel pressure down there. I didn't use the restroom in 6 days because I was so terrified for my first bowel movement. I had a small one and it felt like hell.
Emotionally this has really taken a toll on me. I don't have Crohns which I grateful for. I have read hundreds of forums on here and I know that the majority of you have had it much worse than I have. And I commend all of you for your strength and resilience, it inspires me to look at life in a more grateful and positive way. It's just been hard because I just want to be able to be like everyone else I'm surrounded by. I want to be able to sit on my bottom during a lecture, and walk to class with comfort. Maybe go to a concert. I just don't want this cutting seton pain to control my life next semester, as these abcesses and fistula have controlled my life for the past year.
If you took the time to read all of this I thank you. I look forward to reading your responses below.
Post Edited (LS876) : 1/4/2018 3:13:20 AM (GMT-7)