Hello All!
I used to be a member but the email account I used is closed and I couldn't reset my password..
Anyway.. In March 2016 I was admitted to hospital for a week, and after lots of 'thinking' was put on Infliximab. The last 6 months I was getting horrific headaches, and following a blood test it turns out my levels were really high, so they've put me to 10 weeks between infusions from 8. My GI doesn't want to take me off all together as I have fistulising Crohn's and it's not worth risking it.
I'm in my second 10 week gap, going back on 8th February.
At my last infusion I was weighed at 52kg (I'm usually 54kg), over Christmas I had dropped to 49kg, and I'm now at 48kg. It's not overly fast and I've been eating Ok, so I wasn't too concerned.
The last couple of weeks my frequency has upped to 4/5 times daily, with a little urgency. Fatigue has increased 10 fold, too. Last night, all of a sudden, I became incredibly shaky, nauseous, with serious stomach and foot cramps. It ended with being quite sick and having an episode of D. This morning I feel like I was ill yesterday, I have a headache and a tender stomach, and have passed two BMs. I've not eaten anything since lunchtime yesterday.
Do you think I should wait and see how I get on? I had thought perhaps it was a bug I'd picked up rather than Crohn's related, and I don't want to needlessly bother the IBD nurses.
I know it's the time of year for bugs and what have you, and I do work in a hospital so am quite exposed!
Right now I just want to close my eyes!
Thank you for any advice