Thank you very much 73monte for your positive message for me.. i know it is very hard for me especialy this disease is very rare in my country. As 30 yrs old female and preparing to have a baby soon. I cant see my self living as healthy as any one.i wnat to live longer of course. And yes the flare up to me is very minimal unlike the others. But the doctor told me that he saw multiple ulcers and big ulcer that needed to be treated. I asked the doctor also if it dangerous he told me no but you need to medicate the inflammation. I want to ask how will you know if your ulcers are not inflammed? I just also got my lab test for cbc and perimeral smear. my rbc, hemocryt and wbc are all back to normal unlike before i decided for colonoscopy. The reason why i feel weak right know maybe because of my depreasion or is it possible tha antibiotics and medicine given to me (mentioned above)? And the poops is it normal to have soft dry stool like a smashed one not diarehea like if you are taking medicine and eating only fibrous food? As before i medicated, my Bm is normal
Thank you